Aydarhan Kaliev
“Asyl Design” Fashion House is one of the leading fashion houses in Kazakhstan. Since its opening in 1993 “Asyl Design” Fashion House has been participating and showing collections in the festivals in Almaty, Bishkek, Berlin, Paris, Tashkent, Baku, Moscow, Kuala Lumpur, Riga, Spain, Shanghai, London, Warsaw, Istanbul. Since 2007 the fashion house has held seasonal shows in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana city. “Asyl Design” Fashion House operates under the direction of a chief designer, Aidarkhan Kaliyev, - PhD, associate professor of arts, author of more than 60 image and seasonal collections. Collections are made in neo-folklore style, prêt a-porte lux class usual fpr Aidarkhan Kaliyev joining:
1. fidelity to traditions of nomadic costumes art;
2. high quality;
3. introduction of innovative technologies in design of modern clothes.
e-mail: 1aspara@rambler.ru
website: aidar-khan.kz