Federica D’Andria
Federica D’Andria is 23 years old and born in Taranto, Italy. Growing up among fabrics and dresses she decided to enter in the word of fashion, graduating in decoration from Art Academy of Lecce. When she finished her studies she became a part of the SPOSI PIÙ GROUP, working as fashion designer and Creative Director.
At Lecce Fashion Week’15 she presented her first haute couture collection “FEDRA”. At MADMOOD MILANO’16 she presented an outfit inspired to typical Apulian product : wine and she won MADMOOD Award. Thanks to MADMOOD Award, she went to Serbia Fashion week’16 and met Anna FENDI and with her start a partnership. She has been invited at Paris Fashion Week’17 on 30th June for the event “Sauvez le coeur des femmes” where she has presented an amazing outfit: Corsette dress in silk crepe decorated with a heart made out of autistics swarovski crystals.
Everything, right from the pattern, is completely manufactory by hand.
She has been invited in Eurasian Fashion Week’17 on August in Urumqi ,China. Where she has presented a collection of 31 woman dresses inspired to the colors wine. In September she has been participated at the second edition od MADMOOD MILANO 2017 awarding the prize Feeric Fashion Week’18.
In 20th November she will go in Serbia Fashion Week for the second time. She has a lot of dates fix for the fashion week, around the word next year.